Integrating art – visual, written word, film and more – has been an important element of the Climate Land Leaders initiative since it began. Engaging with creative work inspires; it also helps us manage climate grief.

Anna Geyer in the peach grove on her farm
Climate Land Leader Anna Geyer has been integrating art with her land stewardship for many years. This year, alongside conservation goals that included adding a new wetland basin and continuing to plant food-producing perennials, Anna grew marigolds, dyer’s coreopsis, willow and Hopi dye sunflowers and harvested local goldenrod, sumac and aronia for use in natural dyes, inks and botanical prints.
In the summer and fall, students joined Anna for botanical dyeing and printing workshops and open studio time at the folk school on the farm – with beautiful outcomes!
Enjoy this photo series from Anna showing the botanical printmaking process.