Land and Equity

Climate Land Leaders, who are overwhelmingly White, recognize that they are privileged to own farmland. Through speakers, readings and discussion, they are learning about the U.S. history of enslaved labor and stolen land and the ways that White landowners have continued to benefit from the racist foundation and institutions of our country. Climate Land Leaders are thinking expansively about their resources, exploring the legacy they want to create and taking action – now – to address inequities and support the next generation of farmers and land stewards.

Photo by Ruth Rabinowitz

“Inequities in land ownership and asset accumulation are real. Listen to what Black, Indigenous, and People of Color have to say about this and follow their lead when we can, and then take action by giving opportunities for land access and sharing the wealth. Contemplate: What is enough to pass on to the next generation, and can we share our wealth with others?”

—Carol Bouska, MN

Climate Land Leader Paula Westmoreland is exploring how to use her land inheritance to benefit regenerative farmers who are Black Indigenous and People of Color.

“Traditional knowledge holders have lived close to the rhythms of the land for thousands of years and have a store of information about weather, soils, water, plants and animals that have sustained their communities without the massive chemical inputs used in current farming practices. If we want to repair our damaged land and ensure our future as the climate grows more challenging, we need to learn ways to support food growth from voices which have much to teach us.”

—Sally McCoy, IA