
Chronic wet periods hinder Midwest vegetable production

Climate Land Leaders frequently come together to learn from each other and from experts in climate-friendly agriculture. Jack Hedin of Featherstone Farm is both a Climate Land Leader and veteran vegetable farmer in southeast Minnesota, and he recently joined the group for an illuminating conversation about growing commercial vegetables as the climate changes. Here we’ll…

Weighing in on MN Climate Action

The State of Minnesota has released a draft Climate Action Framework, and Climate Land Leaders are weighing in. Goal 2 concerns climate-friendly natural and working lands and offers some specific targets: Increase carbon annually sequestered in natural and working lands by 25% by 2035 from 2014- 2018 average levels, through restoration, management, and using climate-smart…

Perennial agriculture key to climate resiliency

Climate Land Leader Wendy Johnson gave this speech at a Sharing Our Roots for the Climate field day on Sept. 9, 2021, at the Sharing Our Roots Farm near Northfield. Good afternoon! I am very happy to be here today. What a beautiful day it is for a field day! My name is Wendy Johnson,…

Bouska sisters ask: The potential for carbon drawdown in soils?

Climate Land Leaders are eager to address climate change on their lands, and they know that they first need to reduce emissions (decreasing or eliminating pesticide and fertilizer use, for example). Over the years they also look to draw down carbon into the soil. But what is the carbon sequestration potential for these farms? Well,…

Optimism and heart

“When I am asked if I am pessimistic or optimistic about the future, my answer is always the same,” the author Paul Hawken writes.* “If you look at the science that describes what is happening on earth today and aren’t pessimistic, you don’t have the correct data. If you meet the [people working for social…